10 Warning Signs You're Exercising Too Much

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Exercise dispenses oxygen and nourishment to your body mass. It assists your circulatory system to exert more beneficially.  Even though exercise is recommended for mental and physical health, in the same manner, doing it excessively could affect both. Long-term bouts of energetic aerobic exercise could truly cause immunosuppression as the cells are reallocated and averted to major tissues and body parts that are vigorous during exercise. In addition, excessive exercise can do more harm than good to your body and soul. It can undo the outcomes you have worked for to achieve and worse still could destroy your heart arteries, cause injuries and some addiction. An injured body is not able to fight diseases.  If you observe that your body is showing some side effects of excessive exercise, then it is time to reduce and rest. Some of the dangers of excessive exercise include;

Joint problems

Excessive exercise can lead to joint aches. Lifting a lot of weights that are too heavy severally over a week can lead to joint pains. Therefore, if you experience ant joint pains during exercise, it is advisable to stop and consult an expert. Low impact exercise like swimming and biking puts less pressure on your joints hence caution them when you are still exercising.

Missing periods

Women who exercise excessively and train too hard could begin to experience missing periods. The condition is known as amenorrhea medically. Amenorrhea is brought about by an increase in estrogen which is a female hormone for normal sexual and reproductive growth. A dip in this hormone can cause osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones making them susceptible to fractures.

High resting heart rate

Overexercising can cause stress to your heart. The heartbeats increase causing an increase in its resting rate. Regular checking of your heart rate especially in the morning will acknowledge any deviations. An increase from the normal beats may indicate that your body is working excessively.

Heart conditions

According to research by German scientists, individuals who have chronic heart disease and do high-intensity workouts are at a very high danger of dying from a heart attack or stroke. In addition, research by a Swedish study that is available online in the journal Heart discovered that excessive exercise could lead to irregular heart rhythms in old age. This condition is known as arrhythmia in medicine and it can be diagnosed through a test known as an electrocardiogram. The heart may beat too quickly, too slowly or too early, or with irregular beats.

Body aches and pains

Excessive exercise may lead to body aches and pains. Your body needs time to recuperate and repair worn-out tissues. Aches and pains to cause lasting soreness. This can slow down your daily activities.  Besides, it makes you feel worthless.


Moderate exercise can slacken your body and give you a nourishing night of sleep. Too much of this exercise can make you toss and turn in your bed all night long. This is due to agitation and interrupted sleep.

Poor mental health

Exercising for more than seven and a half hours a week could cause anxiety, stress, and bad mental health. an overworked body could also cause confusion, irritability, anger, and changes in your mood. This is according to a research journal on Preventable medicine.  Over-exercising also could bring negative effects on stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine.

Energy reduction

Body exhaustion is very dangerous to any individual. Lack of a common high after exercising can cause physical and mental exhaustion. This means that your body needs rest for it to recover.

Exercise performance decrease

A dip in your workout may mean your body is being pushed to do more. During aerobic exercise such as cycling, swimming, and running and you experience some dip, your body is asking for a rest. It is recommended that you at least allow your body to recuperate before beginning the exercise again.


Body weaknesses and malaise accumulate in your body system when you lack rest time. Rest time allows recovery of your body from regular exercise and refueling. Fatigue and malaise are caused by too much calories expenditure that causes low energy. This causes depletion of the body’s energy supply. Poor energy causes impaired metabolism.  Low energy supply for a long time can affect several body organs and cause iron deficiency anemia, poor testosterone counts in men, and low bone mass.


For any person who engages in any exercise, it is paramount to develop a schedule for the workout program. The program should be designed in such a way that it creates time for recuperating and rest. Even though it is different from any individual and it varies on what you used to. This will nourish your body system and maintain its health for the next set of exercises. Instead of attempting to do exercises vigorously, it is good to start gradually so that your body can be used then you can add as you go by. Take time and put quality above quantity with your exercise and do it slowly as slowly always win the marathon. Overloading yourself with exercises could lead to all those dangers above and leave you with some conditions to treat if caution is not exercised properly.

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

Harriet Tubman